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Areas of Focus

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15

Major USDA conservation program must change to prioritize climate stewardship

The federal Conservation Stewardship Program, or CSP, spends little of its billions in funding on practices and enhancements that reduce farming’s greenhouse gas emissions. But Congress could reform...

How to make climate change a priority in the next farm bill

Next year, Congress will renew the farm bill, which provides funding to our farmers and ranchers. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, annual spending by the Department of Agriculture on farm...

We must expand – and reform – the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program

It’s good news the Inflation Reduction Act will invest $20 billion to reward farmers when they take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

USDA Conservation Stewardship Program could do more to tackle climate emergency

The Senate is considering a budget reconciliation bill this week to increase “climate-smart” spending on farm conservation efforts by $20 billion over five years, including over $4 billion in new...

Few states are prioritizing climate with USDA incentive bonus program

Few states are making use of Department of Agriculture bonus payments that could help ramp up farm stewardship practices to reduce greenhouse gases, an EWG analysis finds. The USDA’s Environmental...

Climate change isn’t high priority for $1.2 billion USDA farm stewardship program

One of the Department of Agriculture’s largest farm stewardship programs doesn’t make a big enough priority of helping farmers reduce greenhouse gases – even though food and farming emissions keep...

It’s time to reform the Conservation Reserve Program – but not for the reason you might think

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was right to reject efforts this week to allow farmers to plow up lands enrolled in the Agriculture Department’s Conservation Reserve Program, or CRP, to grow more...

Why is EWG talking about plant-based foods and the climate crisis?

It’s no secret we’re living through a period of unprecedented and catastrophic climate change, and every day serious problems from the crisis become more apparent.

USDA livestock subsidies near $50 billion, EWG analysis finds

The Department of Agriculture has spent almost $50 billion in subsidies for livestock operators since 1995, according to an EWG analysis.

Our beef with Big Beef’s bad math

During a recent hearing on Capitol Hill, lobbyists for the beef industry claimed the greenhouse gas emissions caused by beef production are simply too small to matter in fighting the climate crisis.

‘Low carbon’ beef: As nonsensical as ‘low cancer’ cigarettes

The Department of Agriculture has approved a label designating “low carbon” beef, a statement as nonsensical as the Food and Drug Administration calling a cigarette “low cancer.”

Can plant-based foods end Big Meat’s monopoly and help the climate?

Meat prices are skyrocketing, in part because just four meat companies control 85 percent of U.S. beef supplies. In response, President Joe Biden this week introduced an action plan targeting...

More meat means more land use and even more greenhouse gases

Don’t believe the meat industry’s claims of embracing sustainability and using less land to produce more meat. Land use, and its associated greenhouse gas emissions, are rising. Plowing grassland and...

Tackling food, farming emissions key to avoiding climate catastrophe

Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, greenhouse gas emissions from food and farming could make a climate catastrophe unavoidable.

Meat’s math problem is exacerbating the climate crisis

There’s broad agreement that a climate catastrophe is unavoidable unless we cut greenhouse gas emissions significantly. The transportation and energy emissions that contribute to the climate crisis...
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