
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6721 - 6744 of 6878

Fracking: Live chat with EWG & 'Gasland' director Josh Fox

"Everywhere I went, it was the same story: water trouble, health problems, hazardous explosive conditions - inside the house."

Understanding Sunscreen: 4 Questions about SPF

Pretty much all I knew about sunscreen growing up was that SPF was some measure of how much sunburn protection came out of the bottle. Hard to believe that (way back) in those days the great debate...

Something stinks: Secrecy and health hazards courtesy of the fragrance industry

Millions of American consumers participate every day as unwitting human lab rats in one of the biggest experiments ever conducted (or, more appropriately, perpetrated) on the human race. For many...

Daniel Goleman: Access to info will make all the difference

Well-known author and psychologist Daniel Goleman suggests that if we consumers have more easily-accessible information about the products we buy, we'll be better prepared to make choices that...

Stay current on TSCA reform progress

The Environmental Working Group's campaign for Kid-Safe Chemicals shifted into high gear exactly a week before the 40th anniversary of Earth Day (poetic justice), when Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)...

Maryland is 5th state to ban BPA

This month Maryland became the 5th state to ban the use of the plastics chemical, bisphenol A (BPA) in children's products, including baby bottles and sippy cups.

California School District Cleans Up - With CLASS

When school purchasing agent Dawn Everson came across a program called CLASS - "Cleaning for Asthma-Safe Schools" - she recognized a great opportunity for the Manteca Unified School District.

Inspiring Day in Pittsburgh

The program's description for Ms. Heinz's morning talk was "Opening Address." While that leaves plenty of room for interpretation, I don't think any of the 2,000+ listeners of the Women's Health and...

Asbestos: Cover up of a century

Thousands of innocent people die while governments do nothing to prevent it. In Darfur it's called genocide. In the case of asbestos-related deaths in the United States, it's just a statistic.

Commandments in the kitchen: Got some?

I've been perusing Alexandra Zissu's new book, The Conscious Kitchen, lately. It's a current, thoroughly-researched, user-friendly reference for buying and cooking food that's good for you and the...

Safe - vs. Safer

The agribusiness trade group Alliance For Food and Farming (AFF) recently asked us this question: "EWG - do you agree that both conventional and organic fruits and vegetables are safe to eat - yes or...

Another Delay from FDA

Late Thursday EWG found out the Food and Drug Administration was going to delay their sunscreen regulations by six months, at the request of the cosmetics industry. EWG replied with a statement that...

Ryan Gosling and Dirty Cleaners

The "Hall of Shame" of the dirtiest cleaners from our upcoming EWG Cleaners Database was released Monday evening to our email list and selective media outlets. EWG supporter feedback was impressive -...

News Wrapup: Earthquakes, Nail Polish and Diabetes

A summary of a U.S. Geological Survey finding associating earthquakes with the oil and gas drilling process was mentioned by The Atlantic, and re-printed in Yahoo! Finance and SFist. Bill Allayaud was...

FDA Warns Of Mercury in Skin Creams

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned this week that more than 35 imported skin creams, antiseptic soaps and anti-aging lotions have recently been tied to mercury poisoning that in some...

Dear Super Committee: What to Cut, What NOT to Cut

Lobbyists for polluting industries and opponents of environmental regulation have been tripping over one another to come up with self-serving lists of targets for the Congressional Super Committee as...

Your best air freshener isn't an air freshener

A quick spritz of air freshener may seem like a simple way to kill funky odors. Unfortunately, that pleasing smell is just more indoor air pollution.

EWG to FDA: Sunscreen Regs a Good Step, Not Enough

Nearly thirty-three years after the federal Food and Drug Administration announcing its intention to develop sunscreen regulations, it finally finalized some of its rules this summer. And while we at...

Chemical ag's flyboys often miss the mark

"I came out of a sound sleep and honestly our entire house was shaking, and I said, 'What is that God-awful roar'," said Stephanie Feller, a resident of Sagewater Court in Fossil Lake Ranch (Colorado)...

Dry cleaning chemicals hang around - on your clothes

If you've ever dry cleaned your clothes (you have, right?), you've likely wondered how the "dry" part happens. And it may even have crossed your mind that it's a chemical process. Of course you'd be...
Leading clean energy and environmental justice advocates and utility industry experts held an online briefing to discuss a PG&E-backed plan, which regulators could soon approve, to quash California’s popular rooftop solar program. If enacted, the proposal would exact a heavy financial toll on captive ratepayers, just as electric bills for millions of working-class Californians are skyrocketing.  

Protect babies from toxic heavy metals in baby food

By Helen Lucey | January 20, 2022

A shocking congressional report revealed dangerously high levels of toxic heavy metals, including lead, arsenic and mercury, in popular baby foods. These metals can cause permanent harm to babies' developing brains.

But manufacturers still have almost no responsibility to test for heavy metals or to warn consumers if levels are elevated. Insane!

EWG is calling on Congress to take action NOW

Cell Phone Radiation May Alter Brain, DNA

New research by Russian scientist Igor Belyaev, Ph.D., and Turkish researcher Nesrin Seyhan, Ph.D., shows that radiation emitted from portable devices may damage DNA and disrupt the process of DNA...